Loving those we lost but never knew
@ Galerie Balice Hertling, Paris
December 2017 - January 2018
In loving memory of
Mothers, Daughters, Fathers, Sons, Lovers, Friends and Families
* 230 million years ago † 65.5 million years ago
There is no trace of any dinosaurs after the impact of the asteroid 65.5 million years ago.
Jonas, a young man of 21, died after randomly being stabbed with a screwdriver at a club in Copenhagen millions of years later.
Loss is final. Losing a person, losing a species, losing an entire branch of the tree of life. That’s it. Never again.
All there is left to do is to love and hope.
Love the strange strangers of feathered, flying, giant and tiny beauties, that the dinosaurs were.
Hope that if a random disaster had killed what would eventually become us, whatever they would have become would lovingly remember us.
I love Jonas the stranger, whom I met the day he died. And I hope that if it had been me who had a bloody flower growing in my abdomen, he would have loved me.
Loving those we lost but never knew, 2017
Installation view, Galerie Balice Hertling, Paris
Loving those we lost but never knew, 2017
Installation view, Galerie Balice Hertling, Paris
Loving those we lost but never knew, 2017
Installation view, Galerie Balice Hertling, Paris
Olorotitan, 2017
Soft pastel of paper
63,8 x 49,2 cm
Mom and her kids, 2017
Soft pastel of paper
39 x 29,6 cm
Those we love, 2017
Soft pastel of paper
25 x 26 cm each
Loving those we lost but never knew, 2017
Installation view, Galerie Balice Hertling, Paris
Hatzegopteryx, Saltasaur and Tyrannosaur Wreath, 2017
Birch branches, copper thread, glass, pigment
112 x 90 x 20 cm
Hatzegopteryx, Saltasaur and Tyrannosaur Wreath, 2017
Birch branches, copper thread, glass, pigment
112 x 90 x 20 cm
Gone but not forgotten, 2017
Soft pastel on paper
58 x 49 cm
Loving those we lost but never knew, 2017
HD video, 10m47s
Loving those we lost but never knew, 2017
Installation view, Galerie Balice Hertling, Paris
Loving those we lost but never knew, 2017
Installation view, Galerie Balice Hertling, Paris
Banji hesitantly tasting a magnolia flower, 2017
Soft pastel of paper
38,3 x 29,4 cm
Tyrannosaurus Rex and her relatives, 2017
Soft pastel of paper
39,6 x 30 cm
Nyctosaur soaring the seas, 2017
Soft pastel of paper
39,5 x 29,5 cm
Leptoceratops taking a nap, 2017
Soft pastel of paper
37,5 x 61,2 cm
Smiling Alamosaur, 2017
Soft pastel of paper
39,6 x 14,5 cm
Argentinosaur hatchling by her mother’s foot, 2017
Soft pastel of paper
29 x 24 cm
Caiuajara looking for a lover, 2017
Soft pastel of paper
29 x 24 cm
Loving those we lost but never knew, 2017
Installation view, Galerie Balice Hertling, Paris
Ankylosaur Wreath, 2017
Birch branches, copper thread, glass, pigment
112 x 90 x 20 cm
Ankylosaur Wreath, 2017
Birch branches, copper thread, glass, pigment
112 x 90 x 20 cm
In memoriam, 2017
Printed t-shirts
Unlimited edition
In memoriam, 2017
Printed t-shirts
Unlimited edition
Loving those we lost but never knew, 2017
Installation view, Galerie Balice Hertling, Paris
Baby that will never be born again, 2017
Soft pastel of paper
51,3 x 45 cm
Velociraptor investigating a magnolia in full bloom, 2017
Soft pastel of paper
29,8 x 39,3 cm
Pachycephalosaurs nuzzling, 2017
Soft pastel of paper
47,1 x 49,2 cm
A single tear shed, 2017
Soft pastel on paper
23 x 16,8 cm
Enjoying in the view, 2017
Soft pastel of paper
32,3 x 29,5 cm
Cat-sized pterosaur between flights, 2017
Soft pastel of paper
29, 3 x 24 cm
Loving those we lost but never knew
@ Galerie Balice Hertling, Paris
December 2017 - January 2018